E250 : 24992 products

E250 Nitrite de sodium

E250 Nitrite de sodiumSodium nitrite is a preservative widely used in processed meats (mainly delicatessen meats). During digestion, nitrite ions react with amino acids from proteins to form nitrosamines. However, 4 of these substances are classified as probable carcinogens (with, in particular, a suspected increased risk of colon cancer). Their intentional use is therefore strongly restricted. Nitrite ions can also react with iron to form nitrosylated iron, which also promotes colon cancer. However, the European Food Safety Authority (Efsa) states that the permitted levels of use are supposed to be sufficiently protective. A high consumption of nitrites also increases methemoglobinemia, and vigilance is required, especially in children who consume a lot of iron. If all dietary sources of nitrites are considered, the Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) may be exceeded for all population groups.

Examples of products for use

Unprocessed and heat-treated processed meats, various traditional local sausages (wilthshire bacon, ham, rohschinken, etc.).

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